Speciale Net Neutrality e futuro della rete: il dibattito in Europa e negli Stati Uniti

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Net Neutrality e Internet del futuro

I migliori articoli internazionali nel dibattito europeo e americano




Il dibattito sulla neutralità della rete (Net Neutrality) e sull’internet aperto (Open Internet) si è intensificato nelle ultime settimane, su entrambe le sponde dell’Atlantico.
Mentre negli Stati Uniti la partita sul futuro di internet e la sua sostenibilità si gioca tutta sullo streaming video, in Europa la discussione si è concentrata attorno al voto del Parlamento Europeo, che si è espresso sul regolamento Connected Continent proposto dalla commissaria Neelie Kroes.


Key4biz ha scelto di offrire una selezione di articoli di approfondimento, per lo più da prestigiosi giornali internazionali, a firma di importanti influencer e opinion leader, apparsi recentemente sul tema.

Per questo motivo vi proponiamo due sezioni con il meglio dall’Europa e dagli Stati Uniti.





European Digital Economy, ETNO: ‘Parliamentary vote on the Connected Continent a step in the wrong direction’ 
ETNO (April 3, 2014)
“If the restrictive changes to the Open Internet provisions are confirmed in the final text, this would turn into a dangerous situation, in which the European digital economy will suffer and EU businesses will be put in a difficult competitive situation with respect to other regions of the world”.

EU votes to protect Google and Netflix from telecoms charges 
The Telegraph (Apr 3, 2014) 
Google, Netflix and other internet companies are celebrating a political victory over telecoms network operators after MEPs approved legislation that would ban extra charges for delivering particular types of data such as video.

Roadmap for Additional Discussion on Net Neutrality in Europe 
Cisco Blog (Apr 3, 2014) 
As consideration of the Net Neutrality legislation in Europe moves to the next phase, it is important that policymakers reflect on two real-world issues that were not fully resolved in the debate in the European Parliament.

MEPs vote to protect net neutrality 
Financial Times (Apr 3, 2014)
Internet groups such as Skype and Google will be guaranteed unrestrained access to the web after EU parliamentarians voted on Thursday for a far reaching net neutrality law that will bar telecom operators from charging extra for delivering faster services.

EU Parliament Backs Tighter Internet Traffic Rules 
The Wall Street Journal (Apr 3, 2014)
European Union lawmakers voted Thursday to adopt a more forceful position on ensuring all online traffic is treated equally, a move that could make it harder for Internet providers to charge more for certain services.

Europe does what the US won’t by agreeing to strong net neutrality law 
The Verge (Apr 3, 2014)
While Netflix battles ISPs like Comcast over net neutrality, the European Parliament has just voted in favor of a new law that would prevent similar issues occurring in Europe.

Joint e-communications industry statement on the open internet debate 
 (Apr 1, 2014)
Cable Europe, ECTA, ETNO and GSMA are highly concerned about the recent developments of the open internet debate at European level: the risk is transforming the Connected Continent Regulation into an anti-innovation and anti-consumer choice legislation.

Battle Lines Drawn Over Net Neutrality in Europe 
The Wall Street Journal (Apr 1, 2014)
In an unusual move, four leading European telecommunications trade associations released a joint statement Tuesday slamming proposed reforms to Europe’s telecoms rules that are scheduled for a vote this Thursday at the European Parliament in Brussels.

Open letter to Members of the European Parliament 
 (Apr 1, 2014)
If adopted, the European Commission’s ConnectedContinent regulation will lead to ending roaming charges by end 2015 on voice, text and data, ensure more coherent rules on spectrum allocation, set out the principles of net neutrality in the open internet.

European Lawmakers Prepare to Vote on ‘Net Neutrality’
The New York Times (Mar 30, 2014)
The carriers say such extra costs are necessary because of the amount of network capacity — or bandwidth — such services require. The legislation provides some pricing leeway in that regard. But the carriers say the flexibility is not sufficient, while content providers counter that any premiums at all would be unreasonable.

Digital Regulation and the ‘Puppy Effect’
The Wall Street Journal (Mar 25, 2014)
By Luigi Gambardella. What has net neutrality to do with puppies? More than you would imagine. Recently I was told: “I share most of the telecom industry’s concerns on how the debate is evolving, but net neutrality is like puppies. You can only say that you love them”.



Apple, Comcast Likely to Invite Scrutiny 
The Wall Street Journal (Mar 24, 2014)
Any deal between Comcast Corp. and Apple Inc to create a new streaming-video service with special access to subscribers would likely draw close regulatory scrutiny and spark a new debate over whether cable companies can carve out a part of its pipe for content providers.

AT&T insists Netflix should pay for connectivity 
Total Telecom (Mar 24, 2014)
The net neutrality debate isn’t going away any time soon, as evidenced by the war of words that broke out between AT&T and Netflix late last week that ended with the U.S. telco calling on the movie provider to pay for delivery of its content.

Who should Pay for Netflix? 
AT&T Public Policy
 (Mar 21, 2014)
By Jim Cicconi. As we all know, there is no free lunch, and there’s also no cost-free delivery of streaming movies. Someone has to pay that cost. Mr. Hastings’ arrogant proposition is that everyone else should pay but Netflix.

Internet Tolls And The Case For Strong Net Neutrality 
Netflix Blog
 (Mar 20, 2014)
The Internet is improving lives everywhere – democratizing access to ideas, services and goods. To ensure the Internet remains humanity’s most important platform for progress, net neutrality must be defended and strengthened.

Tim Berners-Lee Calls For ‘Online Magna Carta’ To Protect Net Neutrality On 25th Anniversary
The Huffington Post (Mar 12, 2014)
The World Wide Web must remain accessible to everyone, according to Tim Berners-Lee, the man who invented the Internet 25 years ago this week.

How the Internet Was Meant to Be 
The Wall Street Journal (26 Feb 2014)
Yet another of their gods has let the net-neutrality faithful down. Netflix’s Reed Hastings routinely touted their ideal to gain leverage over downstream carriers like Comcast. Then a federal court in January invalidated Washington’s net-neut rules.

Comcast and Netflix Reach Deal on Service 
The New York Times
 (Feb 25, 2014)
Comcast, the country’s largest cable and broadband provider, and Netflix, the giant television and movie streaming service, announced an agreement Sunday in which Netflix will pay Comcast for faster and more reliable access to Comcast’s subscribers.

Why does Netflix deny it’s buying preferential treatment? 
Los Angeles Times (Feb 24, 2014)
Netflix is paying cable giant Comcast a pile of cash for what the companies say will be “no preferential network treatment”.  Sure, because corporations routinely give money to one another just for the fun of it.

Netflix v Comcast: this is just a warm up fight
The Guardian (24 Feb 2014)
Video is back. A week ago, Comcast announced a deal to buy Time Warner cable. Then, in short order, it announced a deal with Netflix, which agreed to pay Comcast a premium rate so Comcast will give its films more bandwidth, and, hence Netflix customers a better experience.

Comcast-Time Warner doesn’t pass the smell test
The Washington Post (Feb 18, 2014)
One thing is certain about Comcast’s proposed $45 billion merger with Time Warner Cable: It doesn’t pass the smell test.

Net Neutrality Ruling: What are the FCC’s Options? 
The Wall Street Journal (Jan 14, 2014)
While striking down federal rules mandating equal treatment of Internet traffic, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit left the Federal Communications Commission with some some wiggle room to regulate Internet providers.

D.C. Circuit Strikes Down FCC’s Net Neutrality Rules 
The Wall Street Journal
 (Jan 11, 2014)
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on Tuesday issued a long-awaited decision on “net neutrality” rules that require Internet service providers to treat all Internet traffic equally.

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