Alessandro Collesano

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Telecom Italia Digital Solutions

Chief Financial Officer

Telecom Italia Digital Solutions

È Chief Financial Officer di Telecom Italia Digital Solutions (TIDS), una realtà composta da tre aziende del Gruppo Telecom Italia.

In Telecom Italia, dal 2003 al 2013, ha ricoperto incarichi di crescente responsabilità guidando i dipartimenti Consumer Mobile Planning & Control,  Consumer Business Control e Group Management Accounting.

Ha lavorato anche in Telecom Italia Mobile (TIM) come responsabile Network Planning & Control.

Laureato in Scienze Economiche e Bancarie all’Università degli Studi di Siena, Commercialista e Revisore Legale dei Conti, ha avuto esperienze professionali in Banca Nazionale del Lavoro ed altre aziende.

E’ profondamente convinto che le risorse più importanti di un’azienda siano le sue persone e la sua cultura, e che la più grande idea di business sia un’antica, sperimentata, quotidiana domanda: come possiamo rendere le nostre persone e i nostri clienti più felici?

Cresciuto in una cittadina sul Mare Adriatico, ama passare il tempo libero con la propria famiglia, praticare l’alpinismo ed altri sport di montagna, e godere di ogni forma d’arte.

CFO with over 15 years’ experience leading overall financial operations: annual and long-term financial planning, forecasting, corporate and business unit financial insights and analytics, management accounting, financial analysis, investment project evaluation, internal and regulatory reporting, accounting operations, ERP implementation, SOX operations.

Member of the Executive Management Team reporting directly to the CEO, working closely with Management to provide financial strategy and operational support to a Group of 3 companies to achieve challenging growth and profitability goals.

Experience in a wide range of industries and markets: Internet of Things (IoT), Machine to Machine (M2M), Cloud Automation & Computing, Digital Security & Identity, Analytics & Big Data, Web & Applications, On-line stores and big retail chains, Mobile and Fixed Telecommunications,  highly complex TLC networks.

Alessandro holds a Master of Economics & Banking degree from the University of Siena and is qualified as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and a Chartered Accountant (CA).

He strongly believes that the critical resources of a company are its people and its culture and that the smartest business idea is a traditional and proven one, the powerful daily question: how can we make our people and customers happier?

Raised in a small village on the Adriatic Sea, Alessandro loves spending time with his family, mountaineering and enjoying any form of art.

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