
Intervista a Martin Cave (ThinkTel): ´Quadro regolamentare e modelli di business, chiavi del successo per l´ICT…´


Abbiamo intervistato Martin Cave, Professore e Direttore del Center for Management under Regulation, presso la Warwick Business School, in occasione della conferenza stampa per il lancio dell’Osservatorio ThinkTel, di cui è Presidente.

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A Martin Cave, che è stato anche più volte consulente per la Commissione Europea e membro della Commissione Britannica per la concorrenza dal 1996 al 2002, abbiamo chiesto quali sono stati i motivi che lo hanno spinto a lanciarsi in questa iniziativa di studio che ha lo scopo di influenzare la politica industriale e regolamentare italiana, sulle grandi decisioni tecnologiche del nostro paese.
Ne sono emersi alcuni spunti di riflessione interessanti, che vi anticipiamo:
[…] Italy, like the UK, benefits of an independent look taken by experts; what we…re trying to do is pushing further that kind of independent vision, which would help regulators to develop their own governmental policies on innovative technologies […];
[…] In my opinion the consumer first will benefit from our research. We want to help Italian firms to have a fruitful dialog first with us and then with regulators, in order to develop some a broad consensus on high-tech business models. Consumers could be householders or corporations (small and medium size) […];
[…] If ThinkTel can help to develop sensible regulatory policies, which would enable competition to flourish in Italy, this would favour new innovation to be brought into market quickly […];
[…] We…re very interested in new wireless technologies because they represent an entirely new way of giving services to the public. New wireless broadband providers can today compete with incumbents like Telecom Italia or Fastweb. For this reason, it…s very helpful that experts conduct scientific analyses on the revenue potentials and costs of these new technologies […];
[…] I decided to belong to this think tank because Italy represents a successful model for innovative technologies like mobile communications and broadband. As President of ThinkTel I want to attract many international researchers to belong to this think tank and participate on these ambitious projects […].

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