
ETNO/FT CEO Summit. Luigi Gambardella: ‘No a politiche intrusive che potrebbero scoraggiare gli investimenti’. La Tv come killer application?

Unione Europea

È in corso oggi a Bruxelles il CEO summit ‘Towards a Common Goal: Achieving a Sustainable Internet Model’, ospitato da ETNO e dal Financial Times e di cui Key4Biz è media partner. L’evento si tiene alla presenza del Commissario Ue per l’Agenda Digitale Neelie Kroes e di oltre 30 CEO delle Tlc europee e mondiali.Pubblichiamo di seguito l’intervento di Luigi Gambardella, Executive Board Chairman di ETNO.



o    Consumer habits are changing. The success of over-the-top applications and the huge consumer take-up of new mobile devices are generating an impressive data traffic increase, requiring massive new investments that are not in proportion to the additional revenues that network operators derive from this evolution;

o    Our traditional business – fixed and mobile voice telephony – is steadily declining, leading to a negative revenue growth for the sector and consequently a drop in investment;


However, in the current framework, no such assurance exist and this is holding everything up at a time when Europe can least afford to become less competitive.

Commissioner Kroes,

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